
Connect With Hair and Makeup Assistants

Find your next assistant by selecting the dates of your job

How It Works

Potential creatives are filtered and selected

Creatives are shortlisted based on availability, skillset and location

Creative briefs with job requirements are submitted

Creative briefs are easily sent to shortlisted creatives, for quick and efficient communication

Communication streams are then open directly between parties

Creatives are able to explore details before registering interest, and opening communication with the booker

Pricing Information

All pricing plans are in GBP.

Find Me An Assistant reserves the right to change pricing plans at any time.

Unless you’ve subscribed with an offer/discount, your use of our services requires you to subscribe by paying the fee associated with your selected subscription period. 

Except for the Weekly Plan, all plans include an auto renewal policy and you will be notified two weeks prior to the expiration of your plan. 

At this time, you will have the option to either remain with your selected subscription period, change to a different subscription period or cancel your subscription and remove your profile from the website.


We may update or amend the pricing plan from time to time. 

As with any other changes to our terms and conditions, changes to the pricing plan won’t apply retrospectively and, if we make changes, you will be updated accordingly.